Link to Problem and LeetCode's Solution.
We have to find number of extra brackets that would be required.
if (() -> at last 1 bracket would be added => +1
if ((())A -> at we need (A) => +2 brackets
if ((( -> we need 3 brackets i.e length of string
Iterate through the string and check the following conditions :
if st is empty & cur element is ) -> any how we need to add ( to it : add + 1
if cur is ( => always add to stack : push into stack
if st is not empty, and cur is ) => no bracket req, pop out )
else if st is not empty & i is at last index =>
- check if cur is ) => and peek element is (, remove the peek element, if still stack size > 0 -> we'll handle those cases outside the loop, as only ( open brackets are inside stacks, that many ) closed brackets should be added. But that we'll do outside the stack.
else if st is not empty & i is at last idx =>
cur != ) => add 2 more brackets -> eg : A => add (A)
or ((())A => ((()))(A)
coming out from the loop, if stack is still not empty, add those many brackets : count += st.size()
- Time complexity: O(N)
- Space complexity: O(M)
class Solution {
public int minAddToMakeValid(String s) {
Stack<Character> st = new Stack<>();
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
char cur = s.charAt(i);
//if st is empty, and cur char is ) ==> add one "( "=> count++
if (st.isEmpty() && cur == ')') count++;
if (cur == '(') st.push(cur);
// if not empty : remove the corresponding opening ( from stack for the curr closing ) bracket
if (!st.isEmpty() && cur == ')') st.pop();
//if not empty and reached the end idx & cur is ) ==> require to add closing st.len - 1 closing )
else if (!st.isEmpty() && i == s.length() - 1 && cur == ')') {
// count += st.size() - 1;
count += st.size();
System.out.println(i + " " + st.size());
else if (!st.isEmpty() && i == s.length() - 1 && cur != ')' && cur != '(') { //for handling cases like : ((())A => make it ((())(A) -> add 2 brackets
count += st.size() + 2;
System.out.println(i + " " + st.size());
if (!st.isEmpty()) count += st.size();
Iterator it = st.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
return count;